Board Members

Fran Buckle, Chair
B. Bus (Finance)
Fran has over 40 years’ experience in the Finance sector with several roles from specialist equity derivatives analyst to investment advisor. In her more than 20-year association with SAFC, Fran has provided professional advice on the corporation’s investments and since retiring has been a member of the Finance and Audit Committee. Fran was appointed Chair of the Board in November 2023.

Margaret Crowley
(B.A., Grad Dip Counselling, M.App.Sci. MAPS, MAICD)
Margaret is a Psychologist who has held office as a CEO and senior executive in Not-For-Profit organisations. She has clinical experience with children and adolescent disability and mental health. She has over thirty years’ experience as a Company Director. Margaret was appointed to the Board in November 2017.

Danielle Achikian
(B.A. Sydney Uni)
For over 25 years Danielle has worked in a variety of industries focusing on communication, fundraising and events. She has operated her own consultancy business since 2009. Danielle was appointed to the Board in November 2017 and is also a member of the Marketing Sub-Committee.

Catherine Mullane
Catherine has worked at senior levels in NSW state government including as Director Community Services, Family and Community Services from 2007-17. More recently she has been involved in independent reviews of children in the out-of-home care system. Catherine was appointed to the Board in 2017.

Sister Jane Kowalczuk
(M.Ed, B.Ed (Theology), B.IT, GradDip (Ed), DipT)
Sr. Jane has been a Principal at three Catholic schools and worked in education and technology programs at Mary MacKillop Place. She has also been involved in website development for the Sisters of St Joseph. Currently, Sr. Jane is working in Elder Care and Technology in the Josephite NSW Region. Jane was appointed to the Board in 2017.

Sister Clare Conaglen
(BSc, Grad Dip Teaching, Grad Dip in Ministry, MA)
Sr. Clare has been a secondary school teacher in Aotearoa New Zealand and Samoa for a number of years before working in pastoral work in Peru for 16 years. While in Peru she was involved with two organisations working children with disabilities and their families and serving on the Regional Leadership Team of the Sisters of Saint Joseph.  Currently Clare is on the Congregational Leadership Team of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Clare was appointed to the Board in November 2021.

Jude Gibson
Masters/BCom/BA – Human Resources (GAICD)
Jude’s work experience consists of over 20 years’ experience in the Asia Pacific region as a senior manager and Head of HR in the areas of industrial relations and human resource management. He currently works as a General Manager in Workplace Relations for The Salvation Army which is one of the largest global not for profits. His area of specialty is industrial and employment relations in large corporations, multinationals completing enterprise agreements, developing remuneration frameworks, and delivering change and project management in the area of industrial relations and employment labour law.